Jun 16, 2022Liked by Caroline Coram

Thank you for sharing your research. How do the people behind this poisoning of water, air, food etc protect themselves from the poisons?

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Caroline Coram

Very interesting and I concur with much of it.

They started spraying again after four glorious days of sunshine, yesterday.

I hate the humidity it brings.

I thought I just loathed the summer until I realised it was their actions creating the terrible conditions.

There's an old Disney cartoon on weather modification in which they tell you humidity is used to create criminal activity.

And finally, there is no Hep C jab; only B.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Caroline Coram

Thank you for publishing this. There's so much that could be said about the overall picture you present - which makes a lot of sense - and the many details within it ; things that could be said in full agreement, said about the ifs and buts, said about the subjects that lead out from it like fractals. However, 1) you haven't finished speaking and 2) I'm not any kind of adept fit to do that. Like many of your readers I can't even form the right questions - but I can recognise them when someone like yourself does put them out there along with the possible answers/explanations. Your research and perspectives - incorporating that from fellow hard thinkers like Seb Powell, etc. - tackle a neglected gap in the business of trying to fathom extraordinary events of the last two years which undoubtedly trace to the past and are no less certainly connected to ongoing and future developments. I, for one, am very glad to have found your Twitter account because the polarised 'There's no such thing as Covid' versus the 'It's all about the elites' options have never covered the half of it, in my opinion. My thoughts were/still are that it is real alright and BIG but a far cry from what those controlling the narrative would have us believe and even more complex than most countering that realise. Once again, thank you for writing this and I hope others will spend some time following the thoughts it provokes.

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Caroline Coram

I recently saw lab test results from a guy in Oregon of what's landing on surfaces and the number one element was LITHIUM...second Aluminum. I found Lithium to be pretty interesting since it's a lobotomizing drug - it makes people stupid and foggy and forgetful and not feeling like themselves. THOSE are just the kind of citizens they want these days, of course. Made sense to me.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Caroline Coram

Fantastic work Caroline and your team. I was waiting for it all to be pulled together and this all seems highly plausible

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Caroline Coram

Thank you Caroline, Loretta, Elayne and Seb.

Sending *~Free Energy~* vibes; long may they sustain you in the quest for Truth.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Caroline Coram

Fascinating reading. Thanks Caroline x

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I will put it here now. Firstly, awesome article that changed my mind about many things i tought i knew for sure. Yeah, now I realize the depths of the bad guys deception is bigger than what I have tought and I think many whistleblowers, even without knowing it majority of them, sadly are doing a pretty damn job, in favour of the bad guys sadly.

But in the end, I will say this is not completely a human war, not even close, albeit of course humans are an integral part of it and are even one of the "resources" that are being fought over. In my opinion the real depth of this War is millenial, it is played on many fields, an interdimensional field, a pysical extraterrestrial field (I have undergone a specific past life therapy called GenIsis Quantum Leap and i saw pretty clear that this world was shaped, all species, by the work of many extraterrestrial civilizations, some we would consider good, some we would consider bad, and the bad ones see us as genetic and energetic resources, pretty much like matrix movies and Jupter Ascending), and the human level, being that the human factor is controlled by the other two by a very great extent. Many governments are allied with the good ones from what it appears, but there are elements inside that are alligned with the bad ones, and the dispute is not only among humans, but the aliens themselves.

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Wow!! Just WOW!! Thank you for all your time and energy into to researching all what is going on With the chem spraying in the skies, it has certainly opend my eyes up into what they are deliberately doing , I think a good majority of us who know that things are very wrong in whats happening around the world, particularly the UK. And this is proof of just what they are actually doing, I can identify the sneezing that some of us are experiencing, headaches , fatigue and the list goes on.

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Chemical poisoning was my conjecture as early as March-April 2020. But, this post of yours presents a series of innuendos rather than an argument.

Presence of argument doesn't make something right, and, likewise, lack of argument doesn't mean the thesis are wrong. I'll post your article around, it will stimulate people's minds.

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RemovedJun 15, 2022·edited Jun 15, 2022Liked by Caroline Coram
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