Jun 29, 2022Liked by Caroline Coram

Interesting, balanced, factual and no hysterics, which often accompany these topics.

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Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022Liked by Caroline Coram

Thank you for sharing your awesome research. I've written something that may throw light on the 5G question https://linlaz.substack.com/p/energy-medicine-and-emf-the-good

The website https://orwell.city has an article on why athletes are suddenly dropping dead after being jabbed. Click on their article archives. It's to do with graphene oxide in the jabs being a superconductor and therefore attracted to areas of high electrical activity in the body such as the heart and nerves. Intense physical activity together with GO overstimulates the electrical activity, causing a heart attack.

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Caroline Coram

Very informative. Balanced and concise as always. I think my main question is why? Why to everything? Who set all this in motion? When did it start? What is the end goal for the bad guys?

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Caroline Coram

Really interesting, thank you. 5g, chemtrails and DUMBS make total sense but the vacc not sure about - whilst the detrimental effects may in the main have another cause as you describe, this would not have happened without them. On balance they appear to have caused more harm than good. Also, how do you explain the use of psychology to induce fear & vilify those who won’t have them, the bumping up of sickness figures, starting with will only be for older frail then going down through generations to children, mandates as well as vaccine passports - all of which have ensured a fair proportion simply won’t have them (unless it’s a game of double double bluff!). If they had been for the general good then surely a different approach would have been taken?

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Caroline Coram

Excellent - Caroline and team. That cleared up a few things for me. I shall share this around as it needs to be read by many

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Thanks so much for this. Really interesting and enlightening article. It’s great to read the question/answers & helped my general overall understanding.

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