May 16Liked by Caroline Coram

I didn't notice anything on those days. In fact I felt great. We, and all our neighbours, had a lovely weekend in the garden. What am I missing?

I realise that's not the point of this post (and I understand why you'd ask this question of Bridgen). Did Sunak mean UK civi citizens are being poisoned, or the military?

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It depends mainly on 1) your toxic load 2) where you are in the country.

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May 16Liked by Caroline Coram

Thanks. In the meantime I've checked out your Twitter and seen that in Bucks we'd have been less affected. Also, at 58 I feel very fit and healthy every day (though I have no idea what my actual toxic load is) so I get your point.

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Yes fairly central. It isn’t taking the brunt atm

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May 16Liked by Caroline Coram

I have always had a nagging feeling that we are at war without a shot fired or ballistic missile , someone or some group is taking down the country from within. Its an uncomfortable feeling, I don't like it, there is so much truly WRONG about what the people are being subjected to , unfiltered immigration, lies from the Government, the whole Covid catastrophe, and fallout, lies and money exchange, the Downing St parties and gender bending , sexualization of our kids in schools and much more . However all that is part of the UN and WHO, I don't know if or how it fits together with the " chemical poisoning " of us the people by Russia. Truth is we don't know who or what to believe because no matter how we look at it, the Government cannot be said to have acted, or are acting in our best interests these last decades and if people don't trust them now , in war, can you really blame them? No one wants to think that elected officials, human beings, want to hurt us , I certainly don't, however it's pretty blatant that we have been lied to , a lot. This is an unholy mess , why are we being provoked to uprising? It's not just the ' conspiracy theorists ' they can't be blamed for sharing truth with a lot of misinformation also , but truth at the end of the day. Everything they said would happen ( according to UN sustainability documents ie green plan , less travel, meat etc , diversity, farting cows and endless speculation about increase in strokes / heart attacks/ cancer etc ) is happening, also euthanasia, abortion, and Digital ID ( Australia) CBDC, universal basic income trials. So who is really taking down our nation and the West ? America is on the brink, I find it rather shortsighted to simply right off such as Bridgen, Trump , Tommy Robinson, Farage ...as " Russian assets " because that war ( against humanity) started long before Russia attacked Ukraine. It was planned globally with globalists like Blair....the UN etc. Everything is going up in smoke in this world at ths same time and I know you put a lot of research and work into trying to find the truth but just for one moment can you not see everything ( including weather, storms , volcanoes, solar storms ) as something bigger than just a war between countries, groups of countries, ideologies, or indeed the capture of humanity into a digital prison of death and civil unrest to take us there, but something supernatural rather. I dont know if you believe in a Creator , I do know you don't like religion. What If no one can accurately decipher what is happening because its not solely of man but of God and we are not paying attention? What then ? Until then I'll keep my eyes open and use my spiderery senses and discernment to not trust anything I'm told unless I can verify it and call out the misinformation I see , as I see it , no matter who is offended. We are also in an information/ misinformation war , there are too many factors at play for this to be as simple as Russian bear let loose.

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May 16·edited May 16Author

Hi Margaret. I’m sure everyone here will identify with your thoughts and reservations. It is indeed clear that we have been lied to on a monumental scale, but that itself is part of the war with the aggressor.

Karen and I are unpicking the historical aspects that have remained hidden and there is a common theme, which appears to be an embedded control network that had its origin in Prussia.

Instead of defeating countries globally, they have been their friends, sent their people and agents to settle, sent captains of industry, education, healthcare, science and military strategy to infiltrate at every level. This has been done almost imperceptibly.

Luckily for America it appears that George Washington got wise to what they were attempting. This is what I will be podcasting on next.

Let’s stay cautious but remember that everyone is quite toxic and on edge. With that understanding we can somewhat forgive others who seem to be acting out of character, but at the same time will reveal those who also appear to be wishing harm on us all.

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May 16Liked by Caroline Coram

When he said that Russia had poisoned "people ", I assumed he meant Skrippal and his daughter...? (And maybe Litvinenko?) Is that what other people might have thought, too, and that's why it isn't getting much attention? I hadn't considered anything else, but now I wonder what he did mean...

(Though I somehow don't believe that poisoning was Russia. It's a funny set of coincidences, isn't it? Someone gets poisoned, the evidence trail is undeniable, nothing subtle about it, all the diplomats of that country R are expelled worldwide, then there's a financial crash and a swine flu pandemic, then avian flu, with a dangerous vaccine offered (pandemrix) but no-one was scared enough. So 14 years later, when Q.E. has run its course, we get another poisoning, Skrippal this time, obviously connitted, again, by R, where the evidence trail is watertight. All the R diplomats get expelled, and then off we go with Covid, this time making sure everyone is suitably scared, but this time no-one tells the folks at the bottom of the pyramid about the financial crash. They halt the economy, print more money than anyone can ever pay back and blame inflation on R. because, of course, we had no option but to impose sanctions and now I'm waiting for the rollout of avian flu. Again...)

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I'm going to be going through the videos of T May and Boris talking about Skripal. I am pretty sure they always used the term Novichok. This one didn't give any reference that might indicate he was talking about that attack, or the Polonium attack some years before that.

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It's easy to blame Russia for everything but can we ? Seriously? I believe there is another group taking down the West, closer to home, in fact we can't tell who they are , but we know their agenda , it's documented. The pushback against Globalism and centralised control and all it entails including the " common good " could result in the actual " great reset " a regime change, now can we say this is Russia's doing? Why ? They would have to have agents sleeping for decades to get us here, they are not communists or fascists but the way ahead seems to point to one of these regimes gaining momentum, which one will prevail and what will it look like ? Who knows???

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Another valuable question. It is a bit like us saying the only place where there is an underground war is Gaza. We know that to be just representative of the enormous global war underground.

If we take Russia as a sort of central figure in a much larger group of factions. But we must not forget that Russia has still got an extensive chemical, radiological and biological weapons programme.

I can say this with confidence as my own family member was on the initial team sent to assess the accuracy of their nuclear disarmament programme. Let’s say the war is underground for a reason. All manner of assets can remain undetected.

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